Workstation Ergonomic Evaluation
The purpose of ergonomic evaluation is to increase human performance while enhancing wellbeing. Employees are the most complex and expensive elements of any workplace. As such, investments made to increase comfort and productivity of these valuable components of the work system have been shown to improve many aspects of the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization.
According to ergonomic experts, the way workers sit, stand, reach, lift, pull, and otherwise move their bodies to do their jobs can impact their health. Ergonomically safe workstations can keep workers healthy and productive while preventing lost-time injuries. What’s more, ergonomic issues are increasingly drawing attention and will continue to do so.
Ergonomic Evaluation
The ergonomic evaluation begins with collecting information from you and your employees on specific job tasks, worksite design, number of working hours at the desk, work environment and worker capabilities. Essential functions or objectives of the job task are identified and employees are observed in their work environment.
Determining the total number of hours an employee spends at his or her desk is crucial to the importance of ergonomic evaluation.
The employee’s abilities based on anthropometry (body measurement), demographics, health and testing are reviewed and risk factors are identified where the job’s demands exceed the worker’s safe exertion levels. The ergonomic specialist then presents the findings to the employer and recommends an action plan.